Green House Fan

Green House Fan

Greenhouse fans are the unsung heroes of the plant world, silently working behind the scenes to keep your greenery thriving. They're essential for maintaining optimal temperature, humidity, and air circulation, all of which contribute to healthy plant growth and bountiful yields. 

Here's a quick rundown of why greenhouse fans are so important:

  • Temperature control: Greenhouses can quickly turn into ovens during hot weather, stressing plants and hindering their growth. Greenhouse fans help to circulate air and draw in cooler temperatures from outside, preventing heat buildup and keeping your plants comfortable.
  • Humidity management: High humidity levels can create favorable conditions for fungal diseases. Greenhouse fans help to remove excess moisture from the air, preventing the spread of disease and promoting healthy plant development.
  • Air circulation: Stagnant air can lead to weak stems, poor pollination, and uneven growth. Greenhouse fans create air movement, which strengthens plant stems, improves pollination, and promotes uniform growth throughout the greenhouse.

We Have Our Own Fan Selection Software

To make complete and accurate fan selections make use of HUMIDIN comprehensive and user-friendly selection program. By simply specifying your performance requirements, selection program will be able to provide you with instant access to fan performance curves, sound data, efficiency, speed, motor capacity, drawings and much more, all at the click of a mouse.
